lunes, 9 de enero de 2012


Alba Toro is an 18 year old author from Spain, she has been writing since she was 15, but now she is writing a new mature novel call "Savant MW". Its about Asperger and Savant syndroms.

She has a twitter account where she is in contact with some american writers as well as some spanish fans.

Here is the interview:

-Why do you start writing?

*Well..., basically in the summer of 2008, I was listening to music and reading George Lucas biography, by that time I wanted to become a director or scriptwriter but I knew that in Spain thats dificult so I decided to start writing stories for my family. 

-Who is your favourite author?

*Well I love histories like "Millenium" by Stieg Larsson, but my favourite author is Carrie Fisher (princess Leia in Star Wars), she writes what she feels, and talks about her live so openly that you feel her pain. I love her novel "Wishful drinking" and I can't wait to read "Shockalholic".

-Best place for writing?

*My roon, I sometimes close myself there and I write for hours. But before writing I inspired myself with some music.

-What music inspires you?

*Classical music, BSO. My favorite one is Two Steps From Hell.

-Will you move in a future to another country?

*My dream is to live in USA, and I know that I'll move, to the West coast. There are more oportunities there.

-Thank you for your time, good to see you, and hope your dreams come true.

*Your welcome, thanks.


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